
Thurston Engineering Services is active and involved: in the work we do, in the associations we enlist to, in the community we live, and in the way we live. As such, we have much to share.

Measure performance and improve your existing building

While there is a lot of incentive to build new buildings as efficiently as possible, what about the mass of existing buildings that make up a majority of our built environment?  What is being done to improve the energy and water efficiency of these buildings? The leader in this sector is BOMA (Building Owners and […]

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CMVP and Experienced Modeller on staff

Our team has been working hard to ensure our clients get the most competent and recognized expertise in the industry: Kevin is now a Certified Measurement and Verification Professional (CMVP), and Cindy is now on the CaGBC’s Experienced Modellers List. Kevin attended a 3-day seminar with CIET Canada (affiliated with American Energy Engineers, or AEE) […]

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Welcome to our new look and new website!

Welcome to our new look and new website! We hope you find everything you are looking for in a sharp, easy to navigate and easy to read format. Thanks to Jason at Stealth Web Designs for putting this site together, and for getting us a new logo.

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